Breaking Olympics


Prepare for shattering records, DJ decks, and light-footed maneuvers. Yes, Breaking records. The dancing style will make its Olympic debut at 4 PM on Friday, July 9.

Tomorrow at 4 PM, breakdancing, sometimes referred to as "breaking," will make its Olympic Games debut. The B-Girls Pre-Qualifier Battle at Parc Urbain will take place first.

The two-day Breaking tournament dispels the myth that it is just an American sport, despite its historical beginnings in New York in the 1970s. Competitors travel from over ten nations, including China, India, Ukraine, Japan, the Netherlands, and South Korea, to Paris to compete.

Is breaking different from breaking dance? What does breaking entail?

The original B-Boys and B-Girls took the name "Breaking" as a tribute to the nature of the dance, which initially took place in between the breaks of a DJ track, even if breakdancing is the more well-known term. To honor its history and culture and maintain its authenticity, the Olympics have used the same name for all of the competitions.

In the 1970s, breaking emerged as a dancing style popularized during block parties in New York. It became popular in the 1980s because to organizations like the New York City Breakers and the Rock Steady Crew, who are credited with creating some of the routines you'll see performed on the biggest athletic stages during the next two days.

Techniques used in the sport include floor motions called down rock and standing footwork known as top rock. Tricks are also permitted in Breaking. These are referred to as the freeze and power movements (twists and spins). You're probably aware of the 'baby freeze' phenomenon. In the same way, every freeze movement in breaking refers to breakers freezing in positions while supporting themselves with their hands or heads. An more justification for visiting La Concorde tomorrow!

Battle of the Year is the world's oldest Breaking tournament, having taken place every year since its inception in Germany in 1990 (when it was known as the International Breakdance Cup). In 1997, the IOC granted formal recognition to the World DanceSport Federation.


Why, therefore, is Olympic Breaking a Sport? It is the International Olympic Committee's mission to include popular sports for all age groups. As part of that endeavor, skating, sport climbing, and surfing have been included to the Games in recent years. Breaking is a perfect fit for this fashion.

At the 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Argentina, which drew over a million spectators, officials debuted Breaking. This validated the sport's attraction to a younger audience through its performances as well as the interest of an older audience in watching it. 

On December 7, 2021, the sport was formally added to the Olympic schedule. The Olympic calendar for Los Angeles in 2028 does not include breaking.


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