Joe Biden

Governor Jared Polis's Remarks Regarding President Joe Biden's Declaration

On July 14, 2024, in Washington, DC, President Joe Biden gives a nationally televised speech from the White House Oval Office.

"President Biden is a proud patriot and a true partner to Colorado." He has served our nation for decades, and in particular, he has led it through many significant achievements during his time as President Obama's vice president and the last four years as president. For as long as Colorado has existed, President Biden has supported the state's citizens in happy and sad times alike. He has backed Colorado in our fight to protect our public lands, addressed climate change, improved our roads and bridges with historic federal investment, and helped Colorado provide more affordable renewable energy. Although it may not have been an easy choice, this is the correct one, and Joe Biden has once again fulfilled his pledge to the American people that he would always act in the best interests of our nation. I am aware that Jill and President Biden are making this decision with the future of the United States in mind. The country cannot afford to endure another four years of a potentially disastrous Trump administration that will violate people's rights and liberties, crash our economy, drive up expenses, and damage our reputation abroad. President Biden has our sincere gratitude for his outstanding leadership and his unwavering dedication to the nation we all love.
